Bug Bounty Course in Ahmedabad

Be the Ultimate Master of Bug Bounty Course.

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Bug Bounty Course

1). Introduction To Bug Bounty

1.1) What is Bug Bounty?

1.2) The role of ethical hackers

1.3) Different bug bounty platforms (HackerOne, Bugcrowd, Synack, etc.)

1.4) Understanding legal and ethical boundaries

2). Setting Up the Environment

2.1) Kali Linux setup (or Parrot OS)

2.2) Virtualization tools (VMware, VirtualBox)

2.3) Proxy tools (Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP)

2.4) Browser extensions for testing (HTTP Headers, Cookie Editor)

2.5) Command-line basics

3). Web Application Fundamentals

3.1) Understanding how web applications work

3.2) HTTP/HTTPS protocols

3.3) Request and response structure

3.4) Cookies, sessions, and tokens

4). Reconnaissance

4.1) Gathering information about the target

4.2) Subdomain enumeration (Sublist3r, Amass)

4.3) DNS Recon (DNSDumpster, Fierce)

4.4) Open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools and techniques

4.5) Port scanning (Nmap)

4.6) Directory and file brute-forcing (Gobuster, DirBuster)

5. Common Vulnerabilities

OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities:

5.1) Injection Attacks (SQL, NoSQL, OS Command Injection)

  • - SQL Injection (SQLMap, manual exploitation)
  • - Command Injection

5.2) Broken Authentication

  • - Session management vulnerabilities
  • - Token-based attacks (JWT, OAuth)

5.3) Sensitive Data Exposure

  • - SSL/TLS misconfigurations
  • - Insecure API exposure

5.4) XML External Entities (XXE)

  • - Exploiting XXE in web services

5.5) Broken Access Control

  • - Bypassing access control mechanisms
  • - IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference)

5.6) Security Misconfigurations

  • - Default credentials
  • - Outdated software versions

5.7) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • - Stored and reflected XSS
  • - DOM-based XSS

5.8) Insecure Deserialization

  • - Exploiting serialized objects

5.9) Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

5.10) Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

6) Advanced Vulnerabilities

6.1) Race conditions

6.2) Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF)

6.3) Remote Code Execution (RCE)

6.4) Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

6.5) Clickjacking

6.6) Host header injection

7) Mobile Application Bug Hunting

7.1) Android/iOS app architecture

7.2) Setting up emulators and reverse engineering APKs

7.3) Common mobile vulnerabilities (Insecure data storage, API key exposure)

8) API Security

8.1) Introduction to REST and GraphQL APIs

8.2) Testing API authentication

8.3) API parameter tampering

8.4) Rate-limiting issues and mass assignment vulnerabilities

9) Tools for Bug Bounty Hunting

9.1) Burp Suite Pro/Community


9.3) Nmap, Nikto, and other scanners

9.4) Automating tasks with tools like Shodan, Aquatone

9.5) Ffuf (Fuzzing), ParamMiner

10) Reporting and Submitting Bugs

10.1) Writing effective and clear bug reports

10.2) Severity analysis (CVSS score)

10.3) Examples of good reports

10.4) Communicating with program managers

11) Practical Labs

11.1) CTF-style web labs (PortSwigger)

11.2) Exploit challenges based on real-life vulnerabilities

11.3) Hands-on bug hunting on open bug bounty programs (like VDPs)

12) Automation in Bug Bounty Hunting

12.1) Scripting and automating recon and scanning (Python, Bash)

12.2) Using bug bounty automation frameworks (BBHT, Bug Bounty Toolkit)

13) Legal Considerations

13.1) Responsible disclosure vs. full disclosure

13.2) Safe harbor provisions

13.3) Avoiding legal issues during bounty hunting

14) Monetization and Career Path

14.1) Participating in public vs. private programs

14.2) Moving from bounty hunter to security consultant

14.3) Building a professional portfolio

14.4) Networking and collaboration in the bug bounty community