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CISA Level 1

1) Introduction to CISA

1.1) Overview of CISA certification

  • -Brief introduction to the CISA certification, its purpose, and value in the auditing profession.

1.2) Importance of auditing in web applications

  • -Explanation of why auditing is critical for maintaining security, compliance, and performance in web applications.

1.3) Overview of key CISA domains related to web applications

  • -Introduction to the specific CISA domains that are relevant to web application auditing, such as information systems audit and control.

2) Basics of Web Applications

2.1) Introduction to web application architecture (front-end, back-end, databases)

  • -Overview of the components that make up a web application, including client-side, server-side, and database interactions.

2.2) Common types of web applications (static, dynamic, single-page applications)

  • -Explanation of the different types of web applications and their characteristics.

2.3) Introduction to HTTP, HTTPS, and basic web protocols

  • -Overview of web protocols like HTTP and HTTPS, which facilitate communication between the browser and server.

3) Information System Auditing Fundamentals

3.1) What is an information system audit?

  • -Definition of an information system audit and its purpose in evaluating the effectiveness of an application’s security and performance.

3.2) Role of auditing in web application security and performance

  • -How auditing helps in identifying vulnerabilities, ensuring compliance, and optimizing web application performance.

3.3) Understanding internal controls in web applications

  • -Introduction to internal controls that help secure web applications and ensure proper governance.

4) Governance and Management of IT for Web Applications

4.1) Basics of IT governance for web apps

  • -Overview of IT governance principles, including risk management, compliance, and aligning IT goals with business objectives.

4.2) Key stakeholders in web application development and auditing

  • -Identification of stakeholders like developers, auditors, and IT managers involved in the development and auditing process.

4.3) Introduction to policies, procedures, and standards for web application management

  • -Explanation of the standards and policies that guide web application management and auditing practices.

5) Web Application Security Basics

5.1) Introduction to web application security (Authentication, Authorization)

  • -Overview of key security concepts like authentication and authorization that ensure access is granted appropriately.

5.2) Common security threats (SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, CSRF)

  • -Introduction to typical web application security vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

5.3) Overview of secure coding practices

  • -Basic principles of secure coding that help prevent vulnerabilities and improve overall application security.

6) Access Control and User Authentication

6.1) Basics of access control in web applications

  • -Overview of access control mechanisms that determine who can view or modify resources within a web application.

6.2) Introduction to user authentication techniques (username/password, multi-factor authentication)

  • -Explanation of different methods for verifying user identity, including passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA).

6.3) Role of session management in security

  • -Discussion of how sessions are managed in web applications and their role in maintaining secure user interactions.

7) Introduction to Auditing Tools

7.1) Overview of auditing tools for web applications

  • -Introduction to various tools used for web application auditing to detect vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

7.2) Basic usage of OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite

  • -A look at two popular security auditing tools, OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite, along with their basic functionalities.

7.3) Using browsers for basic web application inspection (DevTools, Inspect Element)

  • -Explanation of how to use browser developer tools to inspect and audit web applications from a security perspective.