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CISA Level 2

1). Advance Web Application Security

1.1) In-depth look at web application vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10)

  • -Comprehensive analysis of the OWASP Top 10 web application vulnerabilities.

1.2) Advanced techniques in secure coding and defense mechanisms

  • -Exploration of advanced secure coding techniques and strategies to defend against vulnerabilities.

1.3) Security in modern web frameworks (Django, Node.js)

  • -Discussion on how to implement security best practices in modern web frameworks like Django and Node.js.

2). Risk-Based Auditing Techniques

2.1) Introduction to risk-based auditing for web applications

  • -Explanation of risk-based auditing principles focused on web application security.

2.2) Identifying and assessing risks in web application environments

  • -Techniques for identifying and evaluating risks in various components of a web application.

2.3) Performing risk assessments for web application components

  • -Detailed guide on conducting risk assessments for specific web application elements.

3). Vulnerability Management and Penetration Testing

3.1) Advanced vulnerability assessment techniques for web apps

  • -Techniques for performing in-depth vulnerability assessments in web applications.

3.2) Introduction to penetration testing for web applications

  • -Basics of penetration testing, focusing on web application security assessments.

3.3) Reporting vulnerabilities and remediation best practices

  • -Best practices for documenting vulnerabilities and recommending remediation steps.

4) Web Application Development Audits

4.1) Auditing the Web Application Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

  • -Overview of auditing practices across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for web apps.

4.2) Auditing Agile and DevOps practices in web app development

  • -Examining Agile and DevOps methodologies and their impact on secure web application development.

4.3) Reviewing web application design for security and compliance

  • -Techniques for auditing web application design to ensure security and regulatory compliance.

5. Access Control and Advanced Authentication Techniques

5.1) OAuth, SAML, and token-based authentication

  • -In-depth look at advanced authentication protocols like OAuth and SAML for secure web apps.

5.2) Auditing user roles and permissions in web applications

  • -Methods for auditing user roles, permissions, and access control in web applications.

5.3) Advanced session management and its audit implications

  • -Examination of advanced session management techniques and their relevance to auditing.

6) Cloud-Based Web Application Auditing

6.1) Introduction to cloud-based web applications (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)

  • -Overview of different types of cloud-based web applications and their security considerations.

6.2) Auditing security in cloud-hosted web applications

  • -Techniques for auditing security in cloud-hosted environments, focusing on web applications.

6.3) Cloud security standards and compliance (ISO, NIST)

  • -Review of industry standards like ISO and NIST for ensuring cloud security and compliance.

7) Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

7.1) Web application compliance with GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA

  • -Overview of critical regulatory frameworks for web application compliance, including GDPR, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA.

7.2) Auditing web apps for regulatory compliance

  • -Techniques for auditing web applications to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.

7.3) Understanding data privacy in web applications

  • -Introduction to data privacy principles and their relevance to web application audits.

8) Audit Reporting and Continuous Monitoring

8.1) Creating comprehensive audit reports for web applications

  • -Guidance on creating detailed audit reports that clearly outline findings and recommendations.

8.2) Communicating findings to management and stakeholders

  • -Best practices for presenting audit results to stakeholders and management effectively.

8.3) Continuous monitoring and audit follow-up

  • -Strategies for continuous monitoring of web applications and following up on audit recommendations.

9) Case Studies and Practical Exercises (for Both Parts)

9.1) Real-world auditing scenarios and case studies

  • -Application of knowledge through case studies based on real-world web application auditing.

9.2) Practical exercises using auditing tools

  • -Hands-on experience with tools like OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite to audit web applications.

9.3) Discussions on common challenges in web application auditing

  • -Group discussions on the challenges and solutions commonly encountered in web application auditing.