Online job portal
Welcome to our online job portal project, your gateway to new career opportunities and talent acquisition. We understand the challenges of finding the perfect job or the right candidate, and that's why we've created a platform that connects job seekers and employers in a seamless and efficient manner. Whether you're a skilled professional looking for your dream job or a company searching for top talent, our online job portal offers a comprehensive range of features to streamline the recruitment process. With user-friendly navigation, advanced search options, and personalized job recommendations, we aim to make your job search or hiring experience a success. So, let's embark on this journey together and unlock the doors to a world of endless possibilities.
A Online Job Portal Project in Django is a plan for an online career site. This online web application is to be conceived as a dynamic platform in its current form, requiring continuous changes from both the seekers and the businesses. The purpose of the project is to encourage job seekers to position their resumes and find appropriate jobs while companies to publish their vacancies and find good candidates. Jobseekers may use it to post their resumes, browse for jobs search, and view personal work listings.
Admin Features
For the homepage, you will be able to all the basic access in the whole system. Such as home, about us, contact us, and registration of employee and employer.
Sign Up
For the sign-up, you will fill out the forms. Such as your username, password, and email address.
For the login, you must log in first before you can access the system.
Manage jobseeker
The jobseeker’s applications for each job can be accessed by the admin user. The admin can add, update, and delete the jobseeker’s information.
Manage employer
For the employer, The admin can add, update, and delete company information.
Manage posted jobs
For the posted jobs, The admin can add, update, and delete posted jobs.
Jobseeker Features
Search Job
Jobseekers can search for a job that can fit their expertise.
Apply online
Jobseekers can apply online for their desired jobs.
Manage Profile
The Jobseeker can Add and Edit profile information including qualifications, experience, and skills.
Sign Up
For the sign-up, The jobseeker must fill out the forms. Such as your first name, last name, password, and email address.
For the login, The jobseeker must log in first before she/he can access the system.
In conclusion, our online job portal website serves as a valuable platform connecting job seekers and employers, facilitating the process of finding and filling job positions. With its user-friendly interface, extensive job listings, and robust features, our website offers a comprehensive solution for individuals and companies navigating the job market.
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